This document will help you manually establish and begin using a "nym" account. Joel McNamara's Windows program "Private Idaho," or "PI," automates the procedure. I've written this article for users who either can't or don't want to use PI. The manual method isn't really difficult and, I believe, helps to give you a good understanding of how remailers and nym servers work.
This is not a substitute for the official help file from the admin folks at, which is available by sending blank email to <[email protected]>. Think of this article as a supplement. The official help file has been revised since I originally wrote this, and now contains just about everything you'd probably want to know. The newest version includes very clear and much-needed information on using newsgroups in reply blocks and posting follow-ups to newsgroup posts. My intent is not to replace or rewrite the official help file, but rather to explain things a little differently and (hopefully) simplify matters a bit.
There are a number of things you need to know and/or do before you establish a nym account:
pgp -kxa
You'll have to send it to the nym server later, so get it ready to go first.
pgp -c
NOTE: the last remailer you encrypt for is the one you send the email to! That remailer is the first link in the chain that will end at the recipient.
pgp -kxa
into a file you can paste into an email message.
:: Anon-To: [email protected] Encrypt-Key: teafortwo
That's two colons on the first line. Save this as a text file called FILE1.TXT.
A WARNING ABOUT BLANK LINES: Be sure to create all required blank lines by using the carriage return, NOT by simply moving the cursor. The "Common Problems" section of the help file from mentions some reports of PGP headers being chopped off of encrypted messages. The messages arrive from nym through the remailers, but are missing the "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----" line, the "Version: " line, and the blank line that follows before the encrypted text. The help file also mentions that this may be caused by too many or too few blank lines somewhere in the reply block. Three readers have reported this problem to me. After troubleshooting, we discovered each time that the problem was caused by a missing hard carriage return to create a blank line. Inserting one (and only one!) hard carriage return in the correct places appears to be the solution.
pgp -eat file1.txt [email protected]
That will give you a file called FILE1.ASC
-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.6.3i hIwCL3nxiBW8n50BBACP8ez/ZDmCXUTAoYsahN+9ga7uCDbiiurxyIDvpR0syIWn 8+JKMijkgToK6hyY5l7Lda9UZdu4EUHYJ01OPywGDPt024otN4Ke91XLdYxialIj qXrpCzWnOvVdv2wbs8TfPgLtqDlsTjmQ9v+QFNdvO10YBVe8NoM857K863dK36YA AAKqjobhdiOoPErbUxG9ZXsQIMv+TrUC/05eDNpI46pjq4imFAa3uYHbknAFk1u1 56eFMEoomiqj6GjwNg== =+yBT -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
:: Anon-To: [email protected] Encrypt-Key: teafortwo :: Encrypted: PGP
and leave a blank line between "Encrypted: PGP" and the encrypted text.
That's two asterisks. These are very important! Your reply block must end in this double asterisk on the second line below the text. If you were going to have your mail sent through more than one remailer (this example uses only one!), you would only put the double asterisk at the very end of the complete reply block.
:: Anon-To: [email protected] Encrypt-Key: teafortwo :: Encrypted: PGP -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.6.3i hIwCL3nxiBW8n50BBACP8ez/ZDmCXUTAoYsahN+9ga7uCDbiiurxyIDvpR0syIWn 8+JKMijkgToK6hyY5l7Lda9UZdu4EUHYJ01OPywGDPt024otN4Ke91XLdYxialIj qXrpCzWnOvVdv2wbs8TfPgLtqDlsTjmQ9v+QFNdvO10YBVe8NoM857K863dK36YA AAKqjobhdiOoPErbUxG9ZXsQIMv+TrUC/05eDNpI46pjq4imFAa3uYHbknAFk1u1 56eFMEoomiqj6GjwNg== =+yBT -----END PGP MESSAGE----- **
Make sure that you have blank lines exactly as shown! There's a blank line between "Encrypt-Key: teafortwo" and the next double colon, there's one between "Encrypted: PGP" and the text itself, and there's one between the end of the text and the double asterisk.
Config: From: [email protected] Nym-Commands: create +acksend +signsend name="Bubba" Public-Key:
Nym-Commands: create Nym-Commands: +acksend Nym-Commands: +signsend Nym-Commands: name="Bubba"
Config: From: [email protected] Nym-Commands: create +acksend +signsend name="Bubba" Public-Key: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.3i mQCNAzCqHCEAAAEEALyo483O4RXzCKn/rGK6eSdZSrZITqqIoNgXn9i6idZhxnfu WO2CmPwm0LD4zSbh5ciMpHNKBO3yPgRlSG87rQK2NxsyQFNu0stH4AkfmtG7SS75 uOGdkVYpPhk+NRFIk6FUePMspd96yQelNPznUMD8N+mmEcD5MS958YgVvJ+dAAUR tC5KYXkgU3RvdHpreSA8NGJkZWFpcm1nckA0dGhiZGVocS4xYWQuYXJteS5taWw+ pjVDLgRXAN5PKt956n9G+KX9xA4P7Ggd7sOR0dNIVS3XiXFCKsr+hqLFYxT3K71U IJWvJw== =/tvC -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Config: From: [email protected] Nym-Commands: create +acksend +signsend name="Bubba" Public-Key: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.3i mQCNAzCqHCEAAAEEALyo483O4RXzCKn/rGK6eSdZSrZITqqIoNgXn9i6idZhxnfu WO2CmPwm0LD4zSbh5ciMpHNKBO3yPgRlSG87rQK2NxsyQFNu0stH4AkfmtG7SS75 uOGdkVYpPhk+NRFIk6FUePMspd96yQelNPznUMD8N+mmEcD5MS958YgVvJ+dAAUR tC5KYXkgU3RvdHpreSA8NGJkZWFpcm1nckA0dGhiZGVocS4xYWQuYXJteS5taWw+ pjVDLgRXAN5PKt956n9G+KX9xA4P7Ggd7sOR0dNIVS3XiXFCKsr+hqLFYxT3K71U IJWvJw== =/tvC -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Reply-Block:
Config: From: [email protected] Nym-Commands: create +acksend +signsend name="Bubba" Public-Key: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.3i mQCNAzCqHCEAAAEEALyo483O4RXzCKn/rGK6eSdZSrZITqqIoNgXn9i6idZhxnfu WO2CmPwm0LD4zSbh5ciMpHNKBO3yPgRlSG87rQK2NxsyQFNu0stH4AkfmtG7SS75 uOGdkVYpPhk+NRFIk6FUePMspd96yQelNPznUMD8N+mmEcD5MS958YgVvJ+dAAUR tC5KYXkgU3RvdHpreSA8NGJkZWFpcm1nckA0dGhiZGVocS4xYWQuYXJteS5taWw+ pjVDLgRXAN5PKt956n9G+KX9xA4P7Ggd7sOR0dNIVS3XiXFCKsr+hqLFYxT3K71U IJWvJw== =/tvC -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Reply-Block: :: Anon-To: [email protected] Encrypt-Key: teafortwo :: Encrypted: PGP -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.6.3i hIwCL3nxiBW8n50BBACP8ez/ZDmCXUTAoYsahN+9ga7uCDbiiurxyIDvpR0syIWn 8+JKMijkgToK6hyY5l7Lda9UZdu4EUHYJ01OPywGDPt024otN4Ke91XLdYxialIj qXrpCzWnOvVdv2wbs8TfPgLtqDlsTjmQ9v+QFNdvO10YBVe8NoM857K863dK36YA AAKqjobhdiOoPErbUxG9ZXsQIMv+TrUC/05eDNpI46pjq4imFAa3uYHbknAFk1u1 56eFMEoomiqj6GjwNg== =+yBT -----END PGP MESSAGE----- **
NOTE: We're almost done; hang in there ;-))
pgp -seat
file3.txt [email protected] -u bubba
:: Request-Remailing-To: [email protected]
and be sure to leave a blank line between that and the text.
NOTE: Some remailers require "Anon-To:" instead of "Request- Remailing-To:" Most accept either. As you get more experience doing this you'll figure out which is which. The one we're using for this example, <[email protected]>, accepts both.
:: Request-Remailing-To: [email protected] -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.6.3i hIwCL3nxiBW8n50BBACP8ez/ZDmCXUTAoYsahN+9ga7uCDbiiurxyIDvpR0syIWn 8+JKMijkgToK6hyY5l7Lda9UZdu4EUHYJ01OPywGDPt024otN4Ke91XLdYxialIj qXrpCzWnOvVdv2wbs8TfPgLtqDlsTjmQ9v+QFNdvO10YBVe8NoM857K863dK36YA AAKqjobhdiOoPErbUxG9ZXsQIMv+TrUC/05eDNpI46pjq4imFAa3uYHbknAFk1u1 Vqh+/f9mKuAIO/5HBU8wGUL08yUdQGoSWVWl06mOX9OUd8KCc48ayBnojFJmUz1k yrO68XoMWpEZdgdMVnKhQH+oN6VE4v+yLecYwURK6I4Ro7mn7j6mZIWQSbJT/Gks W/YIh2+RRXakayokUqyUblTjzSkY6UaF6uljNb+Qzp9JxBBMKyNEZwdCj7xawZxf q1pfg2BnQ33NaQ2e1k+sLpd/5xrha2j5QzzQPksomyTIooRSYUF4n797j7B3G+AC 56eFMEoomiqj6GjwNg== =+yBT -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
NOTE: Your text will probably be much longer than the example.
pgp -eat
file4.txt [email protected]
This will yield a file called FILE4.ASC.
NOTE: You could use any remailer, provided you have that remailer's public key. It's up to you. It does not have to be the same remailer you named in your reply block.
:: Encrypted: PGP
and again, leave a blank line between "Encrypted: PGP" and the text.
:: Encrypted: PGP -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.6.3i hIwCL3nxiBW8n50BBACP8ez/ZDmCXUTAoYsahN+9ga7uCDbiiurxyIDvpR0syIWn 8+JKMijkgToK6hyY5l7Lda9UZdu4EUHYJ01OPywGDPt024otN4Ke91XLdYxialIj qXrpCzWnOvVdv2wbs8TfPgLtqDlsTjmQ9v+QFNdvO10YBVe8NoM857K863dK36YA AAKqjobhdiOoPErbUxG9ZXsQIMv+TrUC/05eDNpI46pjq4imFAa3uYHbknAFk1u1 Vqh+/f9mKuAIO/5HBU8wGUL08yUdQGoSWVWl06mOX9OUd8KCc48ayBnojFJmUz1k yrO68XoMWpEZdgdMVnKhQH+oN6VE4v+yLecYwURK6I4Ro7mn7j6mZIWQSbJT/Gks W/YIh2+RRXakayokUqyUblTjzSkY6UaF6uljNb+Qzp9JxBBMKyNEZwdCj7xawZxf q1pfg2BnQ33NaQ2e1k+sLpd/5xrha2j5QzzQPksomyTIooRSYUF4n797j7B3G+AC 56eFMEoomiqj6GjwNg== =+yBT -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
NOTE: Don't use the angle brackets, of course <g>. No subject line is necessary; the remailer will remove it, anyway.
<[email protected]>.
NOTE: Your reply can be anything, even blank email. It's an automated procedure, and essentially serves to confirm that your reply block is functional. Your reply can be plaintext, encrypted, sent directly, sent through a doesn't matter. Just reply.
From: bubba To: <recipient's email address> Subject: <whatever> RE
leave one blank line, then type your message.
NOTE: Just like everything else, the above begins on the first line and is flush with the left margin.
pgp -seat mail.txt [email protected]
-u bubba
IMPORTANT NOTE: Notice that this time it's "send@nym..." instead of "config@nym..." You use "config@nym..." to set up or change your account. To send mail, you use "send@nym...." It's the same PGP public key, so no problem there.
:: Request-Remailing-To: [email protected]
and again, leave a blank line between that and the encrypted text.
pgp -eat mail1.txt
[email protected]
NOTE: Remember, DO NOT sign the mail to the remailer! You only sign the part of the message that ends up with.
:: Encrypted: PGP
And yet again, leave a blank line between that and the encrypted text.
) and sent to the first remailer you've specified in your reply
block. Along the way back to you, the message passes through a layer of
conventional encryption (using the passphrase you've specified in your
reply block) at each remailer.
NOTE: At this point you might be tempted to download the message and use a Windows PGP frontend to decrypt it. We won't go into the pros and cons of frontends, but I can tell you that not all of them support conventional encryption. If yours does, fine. It will work. If yours doesn't, use PGP from the DOS command line.
:: Anon-To: [email protected] Encrypt-Key: teafortwo ## Newsgroups: alt.anonymous.messages Subject: *** something you'll recognize ***
Then simply follow all the other steps explained in paragraph 4 above to create your nym account.
CORRECT - Newsgroups: alt.anonymous,alt.anonymous.messages
WRONG - Newsgroups: alt.anonymous, alt.anonymous.messages
From: bubba To: [email protected] Newsgroups: <whatever> Subject: <whatever>
Leave a blank line after the last header and then type your message.
From: bubba To: [email protected] Newsgroups: <whatever> References: <whatever> Subject: Re: <whatever>
As always, leave a blank line and then type your message.
If you feel the urge, send me some email. I'll answer as quickly as I can. If you have a question or run into a problem, try to give me as much detail as possible. If you're writing about this article, please reference the appropriate paragraph or example number. If you have any comments, suggestions, or constructive criticism, please get in touch.
And finally, if you'd like me to reply with encrypted mail, send me your key. Don't make me scour the keyservers or your homepage or whatever. If I feel the need to confirm your key, I will. In the meantime, though, just send me the darned thing :-))
My address is <[email protected]>. Here is my public key:
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.3ia mQCNAjNJRyEAAAEEAMJ6EyjaBxvq+LEwP7gPEBCT2r1JoaczSGdV0IQH//OzJb62 WuHYOe9OTE4IBQJwAnpuFE6ddhu0RX3cMOtGr5eMMc9Il9JfGCBeAbLnAFX2TA9c Cpwyj08hdg9i963E7itnC6salYc9y6zhG99JhdY+NS1F5GJXVjiSuwSoAGVFAAUR tBtKYXkgU3RvdHpreSA8amxzQHBvYm94LmNvbT6JAJUCBRAzSUciOJK7BKgAZUUB AXTeA/0a5Kt396WobaD3q8bXVzKTGw77Uxc4vSZLG9uoPvESSeUUqUARoSf/cKub iTMsdsEFZF/I7w4xzhuToaG1A6n2WBKT46llPPdDJtOMT9gebBYqUA7uvhPGDivL Y0NMsmsOSLHg1jA3QSg0h+nL+pPMaVfvqzkUMCVcJYYFrh6Yww== =HKi6 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Last modified: 20 Jun 1998
Author: Jay Stotzky <[email protected]>
Comments: [email protected]
This document was generated with Orb v1.3 for OS/2.